Saturday 11 August 2012

Liebster Award

Agnieszka at Beauty Cat Castle tagged me for a Liebster Award. It's nice to receive something to show that your ramblings are not completely boring to the rest of the human race. I think I will only be eligible for a third of the award since I only did one of the three sets of eleven.

I am pretty sure that Agnieszka found my blog because I commented on her Illamasqua For Fair Beauty Price post. How did I find her post? She is a member of the Gum-Leaf Mafia. Every day or so I will go on their website and see what posts have come up. I look at the ones that grab my interest and then possibly add them to my following list on Blogger so I can easily keep track.

Now for the questions:

1) What made you decide to start a blog?

I wanted a place where I could keep a record of what I have tried and done. It is also a way I could share about things with people I know or even just met.

On the other hand, it is an outlet where I can drone on about nail polish and hopefully not bore the people I know with it all of the time. It is a running joke at work about how obsessed I am with nail polish with the frequent parcels that arrive containing nail polish and art items.

2) What's your favorite thing to drink?

There is not one single thing. At the moment because it is so cold, I love to drink Milk Lindt Hot Chocolate. I do have the Dark Chocolate version and love to eat Dark Chocolate but I don't feel it is sweet enough for a drinking chocolate.

3) Video games yes or no?

Not in a long time. Mr R has taken over the gaming electronics in our household.

4) Do your friends and family know about your blog?

Some do and some don't. My privacy is very important to me so I don't advertise the fact I have a blog around my real life. In any case, these people get to hear me display and talk about polish in real life.

5) How did you decide how to name your blog?

How I envy all of those bloggers with beautiful, long nails. I have short, stubby fingers and even my long nails would be termed nubbins by quite a number of those great bloggers out there. So, Stubby Nubbins it was.

6) What's your favourite city?

I thought about this and I can't really name one at the moment. I am happy to get to any city to indulge in Retail Therapy.

7) Favourite make up/nail polish/skincare brand?

Make up: Meow Cosmetics
Nail Polish: Orly and China Glaze
Skincare: My own homemade solutions and my staples from Lush.

8) How often do you check your own blog?

Multiple times a day. Thank goodness for the advent of smart phones. It also lets me keep an eye on interesting posts from the nail polish world.

9) Diet coke or regular coke? (or no coke?)

Coke Zero

10) Is Seche Vite really the best top coat?

I love Seche Vite but I also love Essie Good to Go for quick drying top coats. Poshe was my first love but it caused shrinkage on me badly. As for shrinkage with Seche, it depends on the polish you use it on and what kind of state (how wet or dry) it was at the time. I also find that Seche is better to use if you keep it thinned with Seche Restore so that it is quite fluid rather than viscous.

11) What is your most recommended product? (makeup or otherwise?)

I have not recommended anything on my blog. In normal situations it depends on what the problem is.

For now, I will go with hand cream. Either Norwegian Formula from Neutrogena or Avon's Moisture Therapy - Deep Healing. So many other hand creams fail the test because I prefer a good cream that absorbs quickly and does not leave a residue. It is not good to leave oily prints or marks all over paperwork in an office!

1 comment:

  1. mmm loveeee Milk Lindt Hot Chocolate, or anything Lindt really :)
