Wednesday 29 August 2012

Awesome Aussie August: Peita's Polish Aussie Bee

I am a sucker for anything bee related. When I saw Aussie Bee in Peita's etsy store, I had to make an order.

My base colour is Ulta3 Honolulu. Although I have added some thinner, it is still thick and applies awkwardly. I had to use three coats to get a decent appearance. The colour of my manicure owes its colour to Honolulu rather than to the yellow jelly base. Looking at the base I did not believe I would get a good look on my nubbins applying it by itself.

Honolulu is the best opaque yellow that I currently have. If I had a more lemon yellow, that would have fit with Aussie Bee a lot better. Aussie Bee applied well for a glitter and the pictures show one coat. Seche Vite was used as a top coat.


  1. Great to see it in action! I didn't know you had a blog, just found you via gumeaf mafia's fb page. :-)

    1. When I first bought your polish I had not long started blogging. It took me a while to actually get it on my nails!

      Woo woo! I am now a member of the Gum Leaf Mafia. That would explain the extreme increase in visits. ;)
